Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lohgad trek - Destinationz 360

A symbol of bravery and courage that stood the tests of time and still firmly holds its ground. Built by Chatrapati Shivaji, this fort is one of it's kind. It is situated 52 kilometers from Pune in western India. 'Lohagad' is at an elevation of 3450 feet. It divides the basins of 'Indrayani' and Pavna and is situated on a side of range of the Sahyadris.

The four large gates of the fort are still in a very good condition and reasonably intact.. On the west side there is a long narrow wall like fortified spur called 'Vinchukata' It is situated 52 km from Pune in western India. Lohagad is at an elevation of 3,450 feet (1,052 m). It divides the basins of the Indrayani and Pavna and is situated on a side range of the Sahyadris.

The Visapur fort is located on its eastern side. The four large gates of Lohagad are still in good condition and reasonably intact. Historical records show that in the later Peshwa period, Nana Phadnavis (1742-1800 AD) built several structures in the fort such as a big tank and a step-well (bawali). On the west side, there is a long and narrow wall-like fortified spur called Vinchukata (Marathi for Scorpion's tail; see picture) because of its shape.

Lohagad has a long history with several dynasties occupying it at different periods of time: Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Yadavas, Bahamanis, Nizamshahis, Mughals and Marathas. Shivaji captured it in 1648 CE, but he was forced to surrender it to the Mughals in 1665 CE by the Treaty of Purandar. Shivaji recaptured the fort in 1670 CE and used it for keeping his treasury. This fort was used to keep the loot from Surat. Later in Peshwa time Nana Phadanwis used this fort for living for sometime.

Zanskar Rafting - Destinationz 360

The most exotic rafting expeditions in the world.

The expedition on the Zanskar river is completely self supported, and passes through the steep gorges carved out by the river over countless years. The Zanskar gorge has been referred to as the 'Grand Canyon' of Asia by many explorers.

The river is graded as Class IV, and it passes through very remote and difficult to access terrain of Ladakh. The river's water is very cold ( around 7 degrees Celsius ), and cold water gear like wet sutis etc are necessary. 

In the winters, the Zanskar river freezes, and the local inhabitants use it for accessing the outer world. Amongst trekkers also this is famous as the 'Chadar Trek'.

Described here a schedule for participants who would like to join us from Leh. 

This trip is a combination of the experience of Jeep Safari, Monastery visits, and rafting in one of the most exotic and isolated gorges of the world. Enroute we would be visiting the Lamayuru Monastery, Rangdum Monastery, Karsha Gompa and Alchi Monastery. 

Educational Tours - Destinationz 360

Educational Tours

Educational tours are among specialized categories of trips organized by Destinationz 360. 
Education in schools and colleges is no longer confined within four walls of a classroom
or lecture hall.
Its domain has extended to historic places, nature parks, archaeological sites, observatories, and museums. Many of these outstation tours last for a few days and demands elaborate planning. Our responsibility increases when these educational tours are carried out overseas. On certain occasions these educational tours could last for few months when students visit a university for learning courses through exchange category.

Zoology Tours

These tours conducted by Destinationz 360 are specially meant for studying of terrestrial animal life, and aquatic fauna in notable places. Wooded areas, coastal villages, and hill stations are ideal places for these tours. These excursions are usually conducted within national limits, though foreign tours are not uncommon. For instance study of migratory birds or whales requires travelling to different countries during different periods of a year.
These tours need year-round planning that could be charted by experienced and knowledgeable tour operators like Destinationz 360. Our expert officials could guide you to the exact locations to study say the breeding pattern of Arctic tern, which is known to migrate from Arctic to Antarctic in the course of a year, or the migration of Gray whale along the Pacific coast of North American continent.
Such educational tours require elaborate and thoughtful planning which only experts are capable of. These high profile tours are usually undertaken by research scholars and university students.

Botany tours

Botany tours could also be as riveting as zoology tours. Study of vegetation is an important study matter for students of botany. Localization of plants, their process of seeds dispersals, soil and climatic conditions required for their growth are all areas of research in these educational tours. Even school going students are taken on such tours.

Educational Tours to Historic places

Tours to historic places are among the commonest forms of education tours. We at Destinationz 360 arrange these tours as per demands of customers. School children, college students, and even university scholars tour these historic places regularly. As many of these historic places double up as tourist destinations, they are usually crowded. For an educational tour to these places planning in advance is important as adequate accommodation could become an area of concern.

Students Exchange

Student exchange initiatives among colleges and universities are quite common today. Exchange students usually study in areas of language, culture, history, art and architecture. Every year a few scholars are selected for sending in exchange who are required to stay for a few weeks in a different university to study. We at Destinationz 360 specialize in undertaking such educational tours.

General Considerations for Education Tours

School children are only allowed on education tours when they are accompanied by their teachers or responsible guardians. While taking school children on tours we tale personal attention so that they never feel ill-at-ease during the entire trip. We have specially trained people to look after the needs of small children.
For students going on foreign education tour we lay emphasis on insurance and travel security. It is our concern to make these trips trouble free and pleasant.

About the Company

About Us

Destinationz360 formed by Sachin Ashok Mehta is a truly professional Tour and Travel company dedicated to organizing innovative tourism products and services. This ISO 9001:2008 certified company has been awarded with Quality Brands Award. Customer satisfaction has been the primary focus of Destinationz360 since its inception.

Our founder and managing director Sachin Ashok Mehta has been awarded Rashtriya Udyog Ratna in 2011 & the best entrepreneur’ by Brihanmumbai Vocational Education Development Committee. In addition to teaching he is an accomplished writer of travel articles.

In our endeavour to cater to all categories of tourists, namely, individuals, student groups and corporations we continually are in the process of creating tour programmes that are entertaining, educative, and experiential.

Our Vision

To be a pioneer and leader in transformational tourism in the world by helping people discover places and discovering themselves

We achieve our Vision by:

  • By Maintaining Highest Levels of Ethics & Professionalism
  • By Developing Transformational Breakthrough Packages
  • By Training Leaders To Conduct The Tours
  • By Creating Content Based Experiential Learning
  • By Discovering New Places For Transformational Camps
  • By Synergising With Talent, Organisations And People For Exceptional Delivery
  • By Exploring Newer And Shifting Older Paradigms In Tourism
  • By Continuously Inviting New Participants, Organizations, Institutions To Be Part Of Our Vision
  • By Creating Cooperative Rural Tourism Models
  • By Leading The Industry Through Innovation And Experimentation
  • By Building The Brand & Community Called Destinationz 360
  • By Being Committed Towards Abundance, Prosperity And Fulfillment In India
  • By Fulfilling The Dreams (Experience, Purpose) Of People
  • By Helping People Experience Magical Delight

Core Values underlying our Business Practices

  • Customer first attitude
  • Organization before Me
  • To be a cause of creation
  • No compromises on commitments
  • Obsession with perfection
  • Open mind and wide thinking
  • Macro and Micro perspective
  • Eye for detail
  • Doing what we say & Saying what we do
We serve our customers with complete responsibility. In keeping with the Indian custom of 'Atithi Deo Bhava', where guests are treated as gods, we make them feel loved and cared. It is specifically through this approach that we aim at creating a difference between us and others.

Our Special Abilities

As a complete tour and travel company, we are thoroughly conversant with the business of organized travel and are capable of catering to different segments of travellers. They could be student groups, corporate professionals, or senior citizens. Every one irrespective of community, age, and gender is given personal attention by touring employees. Travellers touring with us never feel neglected or fail to communicate.

Services and Types of Tour

Destinationz 360 offers tours of different categories, namely, professional tours, adventure tours, educational tours, industrial study tours, wildlife and nature study tours, architectural tours, luxury vacations, and special interest tours. We also make hotel bookings and ticketing on behalf of our customers. All services from conceptualizing to completion of a tour are carried with the greatest care.